var jslang = {};jslang.errorTitle = "Error";jslang.dateendcannotbelower = "The end date cannot be less than the start date.";jslang.endtimeatleast1hour = "The event duration must be at least 50 minutes";jslang.pleasefillallfieldswithstar = "Please fill in all fields marked with *";jslang.companyIDMissing = "You must select a company from the select box";jslang.popovermessagecopy = "Copied to the clipboard";jslang.areyousure = "Are you sure?";jslang.confirmdelserver = "Are you sure you want to delete this server ?";jslang.confirmdelserver_yes = "Ok, delete it !";jslang.confirmdelserver_no = "No !";jslang.confirmcreatenew = "Are you sure you want to generate this server ?";jslang.confirmcreatenew_yes = "Yes, create it !";jslang.confirmcreatenew_no = "No !";jslang.streaminfo_nostreamnow = "No stream right now !";jslang.streaminfo_mbps = "Mbps";jslang.confirmstartrec = "Are you sure you want to start recording for this server\'s video stream?";jslang.confirmstoprec = "Are you sure you want to stop recording? You will no longer have a recording for the video stream for as long as the recording is stopped!";jslang.confirmstoprec_yes = "Yes, I understand!";jslang.confirmstoprec_no = "No !";jslang.confirmstartrecrec_yes = "Yes, i want replay !";jslang.confirmstartrecrec_no = "No !"; = "No !";jslang.confirmdeledgebtnyes = "Yes, delete edge";jslang.confirmdeledge = "Are you sure you want to delete this server edge?";jslang.currentlangcode = "en";jslang.confirmdeleteaccess = "Are you sure you want to remove that access ?";jslang.yes = "Yes";jslang.confirmyouwanttochangepassword = "Are you sure you want to change the password? If you don\'t want to change it dont fill in the field.";jslang.replaymodal_nodata = "No replay data available"; = "Play";jslang.replaymodal_nodata_chosed = "No replay file chosen !";jslang.replaymodal_todoreplayvideo = "Are you sure you want to make the replay with the chosen files?";jslang.company_createbucket_name_warning = "Are you sure you want to create the s3 bucket name %%% ?";jslang.company_createbucket_fillname = "You must complete a name in the Bucket name for this company !";jslang.confirmyouwanttodeletevideo = "Are you sure you want to delete this video forever? This action cannot be undone and the video cannot be recovered.";jslang.yesunderstanddelvideo = "Permanently delete";jslang.strongpass = "Strong password";jslang.mediumpass = "Medium Password";jslang.weakpass = "Weak password";jslang.reset_pass_alert_passnotmatch = "The passwords do not match!";jslang.passwordtooweak = "Password to weak ! The password must contain at least 8 characters, a capital letter, a special sign!";jslang.previous = "Previous"; = "Next";